The Company Maridil-Feed s.r.o.

Maridil Feed s.r.o. is a company with business activities in the Federal Republic of Germany and other countries of the European Union.

In Germany, we founded in 2011 a company SALBIO and launched Maridil® and Wurminex® compound feeds for horses on the German market. Purely natural compound feeds have gained great popularity among German horse keepers for their quality, favourable prices and beneficial effects.

In 2020, we founded the company Maridil-Feed s.r.o. in the Czech Republic, which builds on experience from Germany and the quality of Maridil® and Wurminex® brand products.

We supply our products from the country of the product origin, Czech Republic, directly to horse keepers and wholesellers and retailers in the EU.

The company Maridil Feed s.r.o. is registered under the file number: C 116601 held at the Regional Court in Brno (C 116601/KSBR Regional Court in Brno, Czech Republic)